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dc.description.abstractnewline ABSTRACT newlineThe new archetype of personalized, preventive, predictive, newlineparticipatory (P4 medicine) is the main focus of technological newlineresearch in the biomedical system. The advancement in the study newlineof electromagnetic radiation is affecting the lives of every biological newlinecreature existing on earth. Life is the most precious thing on earth, newlinethe study of the life cycle of birds, animals and plants should be newlinedone to enhance the quality of life through information newlinetransmission. In the case of humans the deadly diseases like newlinecancer, stroke are to be diagnosed and treated to save the patients. newlineEarly diagnosis and treatment can save many lives. Biomedical newlineantennas are employed for information transmission, diagnosis and newlinetreatment. newlineAntennas are one of the fundamentally important elements in the newlineera of wireless communication. Microstrip patch antenna procured newlineappreciable scientific interest because of its amalgamation with newlinetextiles, body-mounted applications and medical implants. The newlineease of newlineintegration, conformability, planar structure, newlineminiaturization, patient safety and biocompatibility make newlinepondering conclusion of the intriguing mathematical and newlineexperimental paradigm. newlineWearable antennas accomplished prominent developments in the newlinefields of antennas. Wearable antennas cover almost all the fields of newlinecivil and commercial purposes. The applications of emergency newlineservices like stroke imaging and the military, sports services like newlinepulse monitoring, medical monitoring/telemedicine like diagnosis newlineand others like fashion, pet and child care monitoring. Wearable newlineantennas have advantages of flexibility and comfortability to the newlinev newline newlineAndhra University, Visakhapatnam newlineuser. These wearable antennas are portable and need not be newlinehandheld. The challenges include the electromagnetic performance newlineat different environmental conditions and the mechanical effects of newlinebending and crumpling. newlineThis research work focuses on on-body antennas with stringent newlinesubstrates, compatible placing antennas in daily wear accessories newlinelike helmets
dc.format.extent197 pg
dc.titleDesign And Performance Analysis Of Low Profile Microstrip Patch Antennas Forbiomedical Applications
dc.creator.researcherREGIDI SUNEETHA
dc.subject.keywordEngineering and Technology
dc.subject.keywordEngineering Electrical and Electronic
dc.contributor.guideP. V. Sridevi
dc.publisher.universityAndhra University
dc.publisher.institutionDepartment of Electronics and Communication Engineering
Appears in Departments:Department of Electronics & Communication Engineering

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