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Title: Relationship Between Carotid Intima Media Thickness And Coronary Artery Disease
Researcher: Aadithiyan S
Guide(s): Paarthipan N
Keywords: Clinical Medicine
Clinical Pre Clinical and Health
Radiology Nuclear Medicine Medical Imaging
University: Saveetha University
Completed Date: 2023
Abstract: Worldwide, coronary artery disease is a leading cause of newlinemortality and morbidity. In India, coronary artery disease has newlinealarmingly increased during the previous 25 years. A section of the newlinemyocardium is receiving less blood and oxygen in this state, and newlinethere is an imbalance between the supply and demand of the newlinemyocardium. newlineIt encompasses myocardial infarction, unstable angina, stable newlineangina, and sudden cardiac death. The initi al clinical symptom of newlinesudden cardiac death caused by CAD occurs in about 50% of cases. newlineSmoking, a high-fat diet, an inactive lifestyle, hereditary factors, newlinehypertension, diabetes mellitus, and obesity are risk factors for the newlinedevelopment of CAD. newlineThe primary cause of CAD is coronary artery atherosclerosis, newlinein which the walls of the coronary arteries experience newlineatherosclerotic alterations. Atherosclerosis is a widespread, newlinedeteriorating condition of the arteries that causes plaques containing newlinecrystals of cholesterol, lipids, and necrotic cells. newlineIn consideration of this context, a research of CIMT in 60 newlinecases including patients with and without CAD patients who had had newlineangiography which was carried out in South Indian patients from newlineTamil Nadu who were enrolled at Saveetha Medical College in newlineChennai. The Saveetha Medical College, department of radiology in newlineChennai was where this study was conducted. newlineIn order to properly manage the disease, I expect that this newlinestudy will aid in identifying individuals who have a higher chance newlineof developing CAD as well as the severity of the condition newline
Appears in Departments:Medical Radiation Oncology

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