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Title: Formulation and development of hydrogel based bilayered oral controlled drug delivery system containing antidiabetic and antihypertensive drugs
Researcher: Apurba Talukdar
Guide(s): Biplab Kumar Dey
Keywords: Clinical Medicine
Clinical Pre Clinical and Health
Medicine General and Internal
University: Assam Down Town University
Completed Date: 2018
Abstract: 1.1 ORIGINS OF THE DOSAGE FORMS newlineHuman being started using the medicines from the very early civilization era. But the origins and usage of the medicine by the human and the history of the subsequent development of dosage forms are not exactly known. But it understood and can be safely assumed that pre historic human utilized various plants parts that include leaves, roots, stems, berries etc. for internal or external application as a remedy to various symptoms of diseases. Also, a wide range of products of plant as well as animal origin were being applied as external agent to heal those wounds. The vapours from volatile origin mainly herbs were also been used as inhaler for the relief of various symptoms related to nasal part. In the later part of the era combinations of various ingredients along with fats, oils and honey were used. As time passes various processes like boiling, cutting into small pieces, grinding or dissolving in the various liquid was utilized to modify all the products for enhancement and stability. newline1.1.2 USE OF MEDICINE AS A DOSAGE FORMSBY EARLY CIVILISATIONS newlineOur civilization stated long era back where the peoples were used an different types of dosage forms, which they uses in various body part including range of surface and orifice. Early in Greeks and Romans civilization use of different medicinally active substances were used in different for the convenient of the patients, which are now as days recognised as dosage forms. They were using various dosage forms like powders, ointments, pills, gargles, oils, pessaries and eye ointment or lotions for the easy Page | 2 CHAPTER-1 use of patients and for more effective use. Some of the ancient dosage forms are known in different names which were used in early era, for example like enemas were used to inject into the medicament in the rectum by the use of a horn which functioned as a funnel, or they have also used animal bladder where they use to attached a greased tube and inserted through the anus. Arabian civilization has the history of usi
Appears in Departments:Department of Pharmaceutical Sciences

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