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Title: Study Of Central Corneal Thickness Cct In Diabetics In Euglycemic State And Hyperglycemic State
Researcher: Chiramana Supreeth Reddy
Guide(s): Sanjeev Kumar Puri
Keywords: Clinical Medicine
Clinical Pre Clinical and Health
Ophthalmology eyes
University: Saveetha University
Completed Date: 2021
Abstract: A I M S A N D O B J E C T I V E S newline23 newlineAIMS AND OBJECTIVES newlineAIMS newline1. To study if there is difference in central corneal thickness in newlinediabetics in hyperglycemic and euglycemic state achieved at 1 newlinemonth. newline2. To study correlation between change in blood sugar and newlinechange in central corneal thickness. newline3. To study whether Short term fluctuations (1 month) in blood newlinesugars cause any change in CCT in diabetics newline4. To study whether Routine IOP measurements are influenced newlineby short term variations in blood sugars in diabetics. newlineOBJECTIVES newline1. To measure among diabetics, the central corneal thickness (by newlineoptical biometry) in hyperglycemic state and central corneal newlinethickness in the same patients during euglycemic state after 1 newlinemonth. The corneal thickness will be measured within half an newlinehour of determining post prandial blood sugar levels. newline2. To study the correlation of change in central corneal newlinethickness if any, with change in blood sugar levels. newline
Appears in Departments:Department of Opthalmology

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