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Title: Correlation Of CRP Neurophilic Count With Alvarado Scoring In Acute Appendicitis
Researcher: Sudharshan S Murthy
Guide(s): Rekha Arcot
Keywords: Clinical Medicine
Clinical Pre Clinical and Health
University: Saveetha University
Completed Date: 2022
Abstract: A I M A N D O B J E C T I V E S newline3 newlineAIM AND OBJECTIVES newlineAim: newlineTo analyze the diagnostic accuracy of CRP, white blood cells newlinecount and Alvarado scoring in patients operated for suspected acute newlineappendicitis. newlineObjectives: newline1. To determine specificity, sensitivity and predictive value of newlinepositive test and predictive value of negative test of CRP in newlinediagnosis of acute appendicitis. newline2. To compare it ALVARADO SCORING and white blood newlinecount. newline3. To compare it with the surgeons clinical diagnosis. newline4. To interpret how this investigation can be used effectively to newlineimprove the Diagnosis and decision making of acute newlineappendicitis and hence reduce Negative appendectomies. newline
Appears in Departments:Department of General Surgery

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