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dc.description.abstractquotA study to assess the effect of nurse led interventions during first stage of labour on maternal and foetal outcome among primiparturient mothers in selected hospitals at Hoshangabadquot.OBJECTIVESOF THE STUDY newline1. To determine the effect of nurse led interventions on maternal and foetal outcome among primiparturient mothers in the experimental group. newline2. To compare the effect of nurse led interventions on maternal and foetal outcome among primiparturient mothers in the control and experimental group. newline3. To associate the effect of nurse led interventions on maternal and foetal outcome of control and experimental group with their selected demographical variables among primiparturient mothers. newlineNULL HYPOTHESES newlineH01: There will be no significant difference of nurse led interventions upon maternal outcome in the control and experimental group of primiparturient mothers. newlineH02: There will be no significant difference of nurse led interventions upon Foetal outcome in the control and experimental group of primiparturient mothers. newlineH03: There will be no significant association between the selected demographic variables and maternal and foetal outcome in the control and experimental group of primiparturient mothers. newlineMETHODOLOGY newlineThe conceptual frame work of the study was developed on the basis of Wiedenbach s Helping Art Clinical Nursing Theory (1964).True experimental post-test only control group design was used to observe the effect of Nurse led interventions during first stage of labour on maternal and foetal outcome among Primiparturient mothers. The study was conducted in St. Joseph Hospital, Hoshangabad, Madhya Pradesh. The sample consisted of 200 (100 in study and100 in control group) Primiparturient mothers who fulfils the inclusion criteria were selected by simple random technique MAJOR FINDINGS OF THE STUDY newlineFrequency and percentage distribution of level of labour process among Primiparturient mothers in the experimental groupshows that after the first nurse led intervention, most of them 67(67%) in the experimental group h
dc.titleA study to assess the effect of nurse led interventions during first stage of labour on maternal and foetal outcome among primiparturient mothers in selected hospitals at Hoshangabad
dc.title.alternativeA study to assess the effect of nurse led interventions during first stage of labour on maternal and foetal outcome among primiparturient mothers in selected hospitals at Hoshangabad
dc.creator.researcherSHEELAMMA M A
dc.subject.keywordClinical Pre Clinical and Health
dc.contributor.guideLinson C.C
dc.publisher.universitySarvepalli Radhakrishnan University
Appears in Departments:NURSING

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