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dc.description.abstractIntroduction newlineThe accuracy of the diagnostic test plays an important role in the newlinetreatment plan. This study aims to design a customized pulse oximeter newlinesensor probe holder for determining the vitality of permanent teeth and newlineevaluating the accuracy of pulse oximeter, thermal and electric pulp test in newlineidentifying the actual status of pulp in the teeth requiring root canal newlinetreatment. newlineMaterial and Methods newlineSeventy-nine single canal teeth requiring endodontic therapy were newlineincluded in the study. The selected teeth were tested with pulse oximeter, newlineelectric pulp test, cold spray, and heated gutta percha stick. Between newlineeach test a time lag of 2 minutes was allowed for the central sensitization newlineto occur. Three blinded operators were involved in the study. The actual newlinecondition of the pulp was evaluated after the initiation of endodontic newline9 of 161 newlinetreatment. To assess the actual pulp status direct visual examination of the newlineaccess cavity was performed. newlineResults newlineSensitivity of pulse oximeter, heat test, cold and electric pulp test, newlinewas 97.50, 55.00, 80.00, and 77.50, respectively. The specificity of these newlinetests was 100.00, 79.49, 82.05, and 66.67, respectively. Outcome newlinecomparison was performed to evaluate the reliability of all the test. From newlinethe results of the present study it can be interpreted that pulse oximeter is newlinemore reliable in diagnosing the actual pulpal status and is able to be in newlineaccordance with the actual clinical finding (Direct Visual Examination of newlineAccess Cavity). The results are found to be highly significant with P lt0.01. newlineConclusion newlineThe study confirms that pulse oximeter sensor probes are an newlineeffective tool for pulp vitality testing. Diagnostic accuracy of pulse newlineoximeter is in correlation with actual clinical finding followed by cold, newlineelectric pulp tester and the least was heat test. newline
dc.titleEvaluation of sensitivity of heat cold electric pulp testing and vascularity of pulse oximetry to identify the pulp status
dc.creator.researcherJanani K
dc.subject.keywordClinical Medicine
dc.subject.keywordClinical Pre Clinical and Health
dc.subject.keywordDentistry Oral Surgery and Medicine
dc.contributor.guideAjitha P
dc.publisher.universitySaveetha University
dc.publisher.institutionDepartment of Dentistry
Appears in Departments:Department of Dentistry

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