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dc.description.abstractIn the present study, Municipal solid waste (MSW) generated newlinefrom households, restaurants, commercial buildings, educational newlineinstitutions, etc., as well as Vegetable Market Complex Waste has been newlineinvestigated, and the compost obtained from both raw materials has newlinebeen characterized. Organic fraction of MSW was subjected to newlinecomposting in the fabricated composting reactor where solid waste was newlineconverted into matured manure with a short period in the presence of the newlineprepared enzyme rich microbial consortium. MSW consists of organic newline(Biodegradable) and inorganic (Non-Biodegradable) wastes, in which newlinethe organic waste degrades naturally in 50-60 days. The addition of newlineprepared inoculums into the composting reactor fastens the composting newlineprocess by enzymatic hydrolysis, which reduces the period and the newlinevolume to a lower extent. Initially, higher organic carbon was observed newlinein the reactor, which was reduced into 50% of the initial organic carbon newlinecontent, confirming the reduced volume of municipal solid waste to newline75% of the initial volume. Eventually, the nutrient (NPK) evaluation newlineconfirms that the organic waste was converted into matured manure. newlineMoreover, the C/N ratio of the initial and final phase of composting newlinereactor was analyzed to confirm matured manure. Similar studies were newlinetaken up in the large-scale composter in Micro Composting Centre of newlineTambaram. The pre-cultured seed inoculums was used with VMCW to newlineshorten the distinctive composting period from 45 to 9 days. Also, the newlinerapid size and volume reduction of VMCW were observed. The organic newlinedegradation of VMCW was observed to be 42% (82 ± 2.83% to 40.82 ± newline0.61%), with a volume reduction from 0.012m3 to 0.003 m3 within 9 newlinedays. An enriched nutrient NPK level of compost bio- fertilizer was newlinev newlinerecorded as 0.91% w/w, 0.5% w/w and 1.029% w/w correspondingly. newlineCompost maturity observed through the X-ray diffraction (XRD) newlineanalysis of the manure deep-rooted the conversion of the crystal newlinestructure of the compost particle to amorphous form and the newlinemineralization of organic matter du
dc.format.extentA5, iii, 146
dc.titleEnhanced Degradation of Organic Waste for Compost Synthesis with Effective Pre Cultured Microbial Consortium A Cleaner Strategy of Recycling and Recovery
dc.creator.researcherMurugesan V
dc.subject.keywordEngineering and Technology
dc.subject.keywordEngineering Chemical
dc.contributor.guideJoshua Amarnath D
dc.publisher.universitySathyabama Institute of Science and Technology
dc.publisher.institutionCHEMICAL DEPARTMENT
Appears in Departments:CHEMICAL DEPARTMENT

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