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dc.description.abstractVehicular Ad hoc Network (VANET) is a derivative of mobile Ad Hoc networks (MANETs) and newlineis a promising area for the Intelligent Transportation System (ITS). VANET plays a vital role and newlinebroadcasts useful information to the vehicles within the coverage vicinity. Given the enormous newlinepotential to cater to diverse vehicular applications and their performance requirements, there has newlinebeen a growing demand to equip vehicles with multiple connectivity modalities. Therefore, we newlineneed to leverage the wide range of options available on the networking capabilities, whereby newlinevehicles need to choose the most appropriate networking technology for the particular newlinenetworking scenarios. To ensure performance requirements, considering the diverse and newlineconflicting challenges, it is imperative to understand the specific networking scenario, where one newlinetechnology offers inferior, comparable or superior performance over others. Hence, to conclude, newlineeach technology offering needs to be evaluated on its merits and capabilities for their effective newlineadoption and fulfilment. QoS in VANET is the most important and key determining factor for the newlinesuitability of the technology due to its unique features like high mobility, failed network links newlineand frequent topology variations. newlineThe work presented in this thesis is focused on the analysis of different technologies to improve newlinerequired QoS performance of VANET considering different parameters such as throughput, newlinedelay, packet delivery and loss ratio for Safety and Non-Safety traffic. The parameters used in newlinethe models presented can be estimated from very basic information of networks such as coverage newlinearea, node size and nodal speed. These techniques can be applied to estimate key parameters of newlinethe networks. newlineIn this thesis two promising wireless technologies IEEE 802.11p and LTE have been used to newlineevaluate with regard to their suitability in different vehicular scenarios. We have envisioned a newlineLTE-802.11p integrated architecture to improve the QoS parameters. Finally, we exploit a novel newline
dc.format.extentxv, 122
dc.titlePerformance Analysis of Quality of Service Improvement Schemes in Vehicular Ad Hoc Networks VANET
dc.creator.researcherSharmila, K P
dc.subject.keywordEngineering and Technology
dc.subject.keywordEngineering Electrical and Electronic
dc.contributor.guideRamesh, C
dc.publisher.universityVisvesvaraya Technological University, Belagavi
dc.publisher.institutionCMR Institute of Technology
Appears in Departments:CMR Institute of Technology

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01_title.pdfAttached File163 kBAdobe PDFView/Open
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