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Title: Application of chemical analysis and Chemometric tools in the standardization and comparison of Indian species of the genus Berberis
Researcher: Sharma, Neetika
Guide(s): Vasisht, Karan and Maninder Karan
Keywords: Antimicrobial
Berbamine nanoformulation
Berberis extract
Berberis extract nanoformulation
Chemical and fingerprint analysis
Wound healing
University: Panjab University
Completed Date: 2021
Abstract: Berberis aristata (Indian Barberry, Berberidaceae) popularly called Daruharidra is highly valued for its Ropana (wound healer) and Kandughna (antipruritic and for treating skin disorders) properties in ancient texts. The annual trade of Daruharidra is estimated to be 500-1,000 metric tonnes. As a result, the species has been overexploited by the industry to an extent that its survival has been endangered. Different species of Berberis were investigated through multiple marker analysis and pattern recognition of their fingerprints. The stems contained lower content of alkaloids in comparison to the root samples and there were apparent differences with respect to presence/absence of minor alkaloids in different species. The geographical location of the drug plant was also shown to influence its alkaloidal content. Two nanoformulations, one based upon Berberis plant extract and the other of its active alkaloid berbamine have been developed, characterized and evaluated for which patents have been filed. The present research work delivers a ready process for developing a phytopharmaceutical drug of Berberis. The work has tremendous industrial and pharmaceutical application. The antimicrobial potential of the plant against clinically resistant-pathogenic bacteria has been confirmed and the substitution of root part with stem plant part and B. aristata with other species has been shown possible, but only if drug alkaloidal content equivalence is determined to compensate high or low content of alkaloids in the substituent species or plant part. newline
Pagination: 231p.
Appears in Departments:Department of Pharmaceutical science

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