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dc.description.abstractHybrid aluminum metal matrix composites have prominence than newlineconventional metals. Aluminum is used as base metal in many metal newlinematrix composites (MMCs), because it is widely used in industries and newlineresearches. The present study involves synthesis of Al6061/B4C/Mica newlinehybrid metal matrix composite using stir casting method by reinforcing newlinemica particles as 3, 4, 5, 6 wt.%, while maintaining 10wt.% of boron newlinecarbide (B4C). Previous studies have not emphasized much to reveal out newlinethe mechanical behaviour of Al/B4C/mica hybrid composites, apart from newlinethis, the wear response of B4C and mica added Al6061 have not been newlineinvestigated in an elaborate manner. Also, no work related to newlinemachinability studies is performed on mica and B4C reinforced newlinealuminium composites so far, as per our knowledge. Hence, these newlinestudies are done to examine the performance of casted composites. The newlinenovelty of the present work is fabrication of novel hybrid aluminium newlinecomposite and extensive characterization studies which is not yet newlinereported as per our knowledge. newlineAl6061/10 wt. % B4C/3 wt. % Mica HAMMC is found to have the newlinemaximum mechanical strength which is due to the uniform distribution newlineand higher interfacial bonding between the particulates. The best newlinemechanical properties are reported by inclusion of 3 wt. % of mica, newlinewhile further addition of mica more than 3 wt. % pulls down the newlineix newlinemechanical properties and hence not sensible. The impact strength of the newlinecomposite is decreased upon inclusion of mica, while inclusion of B4C newlinealone results high impact strength. newlineWear test results proves that 3% of mica particle inclusion reduces the newlinewear due to the increase in density. Further increase of mica does not newlineimprove the wear resistance. ANOVA results indicate that load and % newlineof mica is the profoundly influencing parameter. SEM images of worn newlinesurface show that there are micro and transverse cracks; some places are newlinedamaged highly on worn surfaces. Voids had been visualized with newlinehigher mica reinforcement along with wear grooves and running slide newlinemarks.
dc.format.extentA5, VI, 175
dc.titleStudies on mechanical wear and drilling characteristics of Al 10 percent b4 C mica hybrid composites
dc.creator.researcherVelavan K
dc.subject.keywordEngineering and Technology
dc.subject.keywordEngineering Mechanical
dc.contributor.guidePalanikumar K
dc.publisher.universitySathyabama Institute of Science and Technology
dc.publisher.institutionMECHANICAL DEPARTMENT
Appears in Departments:MECHANICAL DEPARTMENT

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