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Title: Management of Karnataka s growing urban housing needs
Researcher: HRIDYA V.C
Keywords: Economics and Business
Social Sciences
University: CMR University
Completed Date: 2021
Abstract: Addressing the housing need of the urban poor is a global problem. Understanding the seriousness of this problem United Nations and the Global Countries has tried to address it by initiating various activities to provide shelter for the urban poor. Like many other developing counties, India also well responded to this concern by devising housing policies and programmes from time to time ever since Indian Independence. But even today after all the government interventions focusing on housing development, India is still facing a shortage of housing, especially for the urban poor. The estimated urban housing shortage in India was 18.78 million against 81.35 million total urban households during 2012. Households from economically weaker sections and lower-income groups accounted for around 96 per cent of this shortage, mainly because of the congestion factor. (MoHUPA, 2012). newlineKarnataka, both in area and population, is the eighth largest state in India and nearly 39% of the population lives in urban areas. The fast-growing urbanization especially in cities like Bangalore has also witnessed significant shifts and changes in the occupational profile of the people, including changes in the income and spending patterns, the capacity for contracting debts and resulting changes in housing demands. There is growing state-wide demand for housing, housing finance, land availability, and supporting infrastructure at the high- and middle-income segment. At the same time, there is a large section of the population in urban areas of Karnataka in marginalised income categories facing housing threats like obsolescence, congestion and houselessness. The Government of Karnataka has also adopted habitat agenda with a vision to achieve sustainable development in urban areas and to provide affordable housing to all. But these measures are not sufficient enough to meet the growing urban housing needs in the state. newlineThis research is aimed to study the management of Karnataka s growing urban housing needs and to evolve meaningful management s
Appears in Departments:School of Management

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