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Title: ICT integration in universities in relation to ict challenges and work motivation of lecturers in harare zimbabwe
Researcher: Kujeke, Elisha Chamunorwa
Guide(s): Thomas, Kennedy Andrew and Nyaruwata, Leonorah Tendayi
Keywords: Education and Educational Research
Social Sciences
Social Sciences General
University: CHRIST University
Completed Date: 2015
Abstract: This study was ICT integration in universities in relation to ICT challenges and work motivation of lecturers in Harare, Zimbabwe. There exists varying rates of ICT newlineintegration in universities and this has a negative impact on the teaching and learning newlineprocesses. The major aim of the study was to assess the relationship between ICT integration, ICT Challenges and work motivation of lecturers. The findings of the study is expected to show how universities could isolate challenges and tailor-make strategies of overcoming them whilst at the same time getting deeper insight into human behavior in an organisation and its contribution towards ICT integration. The thesis was therefore conducted to match availability of ICTs and their utilization as newlinethis had a direct bearing on the curriculum delivery as well as empowering learners to newlineengage in meaningful, challenging and enlightening tasks since ICTs have the potential to play a powerful role in every university- both inside and outside lecture room/classroom. Institutional responses to ICT influences have inevitably brought about a lot of changes in the teaching / learning processes. The research approach adopted was quantitative. The sample included 200 lecturers drawn from a population of 600 lecturers consisting of two private and four state universities. Harare was conveniently chosen as it is the capital city of Zimbabwe and has the greatest number of state and private universities. Two questionnaires one on ICT integration and another one on ICT challenges were designed by the researcher and the third one on Work Motivation Questionnaire was adopted from Agrawal (1988) and standardized for the Zimbabwean context. The major challenges associated with slow newlineuptake were analysed and assessed in terms of their impact on the teaching and learning newlineprocesses and the motivation of lecturers was also evaluated together with demographic newlinefeatures to find predictors of successful ICT integration in universities.
Pagination: xviii, 304p.;
Appears in Departments:School of Education

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