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Title: Seismic Evaluation of Irregular Multi Storey Buildings Using Bracing In Zone V
Researcher: Ajay Kumar
Guide(s): Sharma, R.K.
Keywords: Engineering
Engineering and Technology
Engineering Civil
University: Chandigarh University
Completed Date: 2022
Abstract: There are mainly two different types of irregularity in the structure, one is plan irregularity and another is vertical irregularity. The introduction of irregularity in the structure creates complex design and construction problems as irregular structures behave differently from regular structure. The response of such structure under seismic load depends on various factors and it is a dire need to understand the behavior of such irregular structure for the development of new design and construction technique through which the performance of the same shall be evaluated. Therefore, in order to understand the behavior of irregular structure with bracing system, the present study was conducted. For this, different types of irregularities were chosen for 12 storey building i.e. H-shape, L-shape and O-shape. The introduction of V-type bracing has its own significance in the present study. Heavy mass was placed at 6th floor and 9thfloor but not simultaneously. newline
Appears in Departments:Civil Engineering`

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