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Title: Ion transport Studies on PVA based ion conducting polymer polymer blend electrolytes
Researcher: Singh, Pankaj
Guide(s): Saroj, Achchhe Lal
Keywords: Blend Electrolytes
Conducting polymers
Physical Sciences
Physics Applied
Transportation Studies
University: Banaras Hindu University
Completed Date: 2021
Abstract: Solid polymer electrolytes (SPEs) are composed of an ionic salt dissociated in a newlinehigh molecular weight polymer. SPEs offer many advantages, such as good mechanical newlinestrength, good electrolyte/ active material contact, good flexibility, and processability. newlineSPEs may also be used for fabrication of solid-state electrochemical devices, such as newlinesensors, displays, and electrochromic or electroluminescent devices. Moreover, some newlinescientific works have shown that comparative with traditional liquid electrolytes, SPEs newlinepresent a wider operating temperature range, no leakage problems, good newlineelectrode/electrolyte contact, and bigger shelf life but they have low electrical newlineconductivity at room temperature. newline
Appears in Departments:Department of Physics

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