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Title: Effectiveness of Two Novel Organic Agents in the Remineralisation of White Spot Lesions in Primary Maxillary Anterior Teeth A Randomised Clinical Trial
Researcher: Maria Anthonet Shruthi
Guide(s): Deepa Gurunathan
Keywords: Clinical Medicine
Clinical Pre Clinical and Health
Dentistry Oral Surgery and Medicine
University: Saveetha University
Completed Date: 2022
Abstract: Background: Dental caries is one of the most common diseases of the oral newlinecavity. At its initial stages, they can be easily reversible as they have an intact newlinesurface enamel with mineral loss only occurring beneath it. When the equilibrium newlinecycle is tipped towards remineralisation by application of remineralising agents newlineand maintenance of oral hygiene, progress and cavitation by dental caries can newlinebe ceased. newlineAim: To compare the effectiveness of two novel organic agents: grape seed newlineextract and theobromine in the remineralisation of white spot lesions in maxillary newlineprimary anterior teeth. newlineMaterials and Methods: In a double blinded randomized clinical trial, two novel newlineorganic agents were applied as a remineralising agent on primary maxillary newlineanterior front teeth of 60 children belonging to 3-6 year age group at baseline newlineand follow up was done at 4 newlineth week and 12 newlineth week. Detection and measurement newlineof WSL was done using the ICDAS II criteria and digital photography method newlinerespectively. One way ANOVA and repeated measures ANOVA statistical tests newlinewere carried out to assess the intergroup and intragroup change in dimensions newline12 newlineof WSL over 12 week time period. Chi square test was done to assess the newlineactivity status of the WSL across 12 weeks. newlineResults: At baseline, all active WSL were included in the study and dimensions newlinewere assessed and recorded. The mean dimension of WSL in GI, G II, and G III newlineat baseline was 3.6, 3.8, and 3.9. At 4 newlineth week, the mean dimensions were 3.2, newline2.9 and 2.4 in Group I, Group II, and Group III respectively. The mean dimension newlineof WSL at 12 newlineth week was reduced to 2.7, 2.4, and 1.5 in Group I, Group II, and newlineGroup III respectively. Intergroup comparison showed significant difference in newlinedimensions between the three groups during the 4 newlineth and 12 newlineth week was newlineobserved. However, at the 12 newlineth week, the decrease in dimension in Group III newlinetheobromine is significant than the other groups. Similarly, intragroup newlinecomparison showed that throughout the study period there is a significant newlinereduction in dimensions
Appears in Departments:Department of Dentistry

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