Department of Silviculture : [15] Collection home page

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Collection's Items (Sorted by Upload Date in Descending order): 1 to 15 of 15
Upload DateTitleResearcherGuide(s)
22-Mar-2022Ex situ conservation of Schleichera oleosa Lou Oken through seedsRawat, PravinSingh, Ombir
18-Jan-2022Management of shoots of Zanthoxylum alatum Roxb shoots for vegetative propagationJabeen, ShamaKumar, Dinesh and Ginwal, H S
17-Jan-2020Propagation through cuttings and variability in rooting response and oil content of wild apricot Prunus armeniaca linnArora, GurveenDinesh Kumar
1-Aug-2019Effect of elevated CO2 on Physiological behavior and growth response of medicinal plants Asparagus racemosus and Withania somniferaRupali SharmaOmbir Singh
26-Mar-2019Propagation Through Cuttings and Variability in Rooting Response and Oil Content of Wild Apricot Prunus armeniaca LinnGurveen AroraDinesh Kumar
16-Oct-2018Variation in wood traits in different genotypes of Corymbia and EucalyptusNjianreiliu Hannah PameiP.K. Pande
23-Oct-2017Studies on productivity silviculture and socio economics of diospyros melanoxylon roxb in JharkhandKerketta Jyotish KumarSanjay Singh
13-Oct-2017Evaluation of Seed progeny and cutting of candidate plus tree of Bombax ceiba L in east and west Karbi Anglong Forest division of AssamManai TimungpiDinesh Kumar
1-Sep-2017Studies on Productivity Silviculture and Socio economics of Diospyros melanoxylon Roxb in JharkhandJyotish Kumar KerkettaSanjay Singh
3-Nov-2016Standardisation of cost effective nursery technique with n P k and other parameters of gmelina arborea linnGoala,BaikunthaPrasad, K G
4-Mar-2016Studies on variability and macropropagation in Diploknema Butyracea LamZargar, Aabid RasoolDinesh Kumar
15-Oct-2015Impact of ban on green felling on the regeneration and establishment of silver fir abies pindrow and spruce picea smithiana forestsBalkhi, Syed Waseem BashirSingh, V R R
15-Oct-2015Variation in phenology, seedling characteristics and natural regeneration of abies pindrow royle spach in Garhwal region of UttarakhandMasoodi, Haseeb Ul RashidSingh, V R R
19-Jun-2015Evaluation of eucalyptus clones for water and nutrient use efficiencySaravanan, SBhuvaneswan, C
19-Jun-2015Study the impact of forest fire on ecosystem of Pinus wallichiana (A.B. Jackson) in temperate forests of South KashmirBilal, Ali KhakiSingh, V R R
Collection's Items (Sorted by Upload Date in Descending order): 1 to 15 of 15