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Title: Unified Quality Aware Data Compression and Pulse and Respiration Rate Extraction Frameworks for Resource Constrained Wearable Health Monitoring Devices
Researcher: Reddy, Gangireddy Narendra Kumar
Guide(s): Manikandan , M. Sabarimalai and Murty, N. V. L. N.
Keywords: Engineering
Engineering and Technology
Engineering Electrical and Electronic
University: Indian Institute of Technology Bhubaneswar
Completed Date: 2022
Abstract: Wearable and edge health monitoring devices are a fast-growing personal healthcare newlinetechnologies with benefits of better quality of care and reduced overall healthcare costs and newlinefrequent visits. In the recent years, most wearable health devices include photoplethysmogram newline(PPG) sensor because of its benefits, including the non-invasive, compact and lightweight, newlineinexpensive, ease of sensing and also obtaining multiple vital signs such as pulse rate (PR), newlinerespiration rate (RR), blood oxygen saturation (SpO2), blood pressure (BP) and blood glucose newlinelevel (BGL). Due to the high demands of tiny, compact, lightweight and low-cost wireless PPG newlinemonitoring devices, these devices are constrained with limited resources. Consequently, limited newlinebattery power highly demands frequent charge or battery replacement in the case of continuous newlinePPG sensing and transmission. Thus, there is a demand to maximize device s battery life, which newlineis vital in future smart wearable devices. In the past studies, to the best of our knowledge, there newlineis no attempt to design energy-efficient unified PPG signal processing framework which can newlineenable integrated or combined signal quality assessment, data compression, PR/RR parameter newlineextraction tasks without use of much signal processing techniques. The main objectives of this newlinethesis are: to minimize the total energy consumption by exploring lightweight time-domain newlinesignal processing techniques which can be suitable for performing joint data compression, newlinesignal quality assessment, and PR-RR parameter extraction without use of different domains newlineof signal processing techniques and to enable quality-aware wireless data transmission and also newlinequality-aware parameter extraction which can significantly reduce energy consumption and false newlinealarm rate by discarding the severely corrupted PPG signals. newlineAlthough the energy saving to maximize lifetime of battery is important, accurate and reliable measurement of pulse rate.
Appears in Departments:School of Electrical Sciences

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