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Title: Studies of Self Assembly and Chirality Dependent Optical Magnetic and Electric Polarization Properties of the Atomic Gold Clusters
Researcher: Swain, Deepak Kumar
Guide(s): Rath, Satchidananda
Keywords: Physical Sciences
Physics Applied
University: Indian Institute of Technology Bhubaneswar
Completed Date: 2022
Abstract: Atomic clusters and cluster assembled nanomaterial are considered to have a broad newlinetechnological implication due to the properties emanating from quantum controlled energy newlinestates. Based on the number of atoms within a given volume, clusters are classified as micro newlineclusters, medium sized clusters and large sized clusters. The atomicity and size selective newlineproperties of micro clusters (MCs) shows molecule like discretised electronic states. Such newlinebehaviour makes it suitable for next generation quantum devices, such as, sensors, molecular newlineswitches, molecular magnets, high density data storage devices, etc. Among metal and newlinesemiconductor clusters, the gold clusters are promising in terms of technological applications newlinedue to their compatibility over a wide range of environment, viz, inert in chemical and newlinebiological environment, and non-oxidizing properties. For instance, an ultra-small gold clusters newlineare surge of theoretical and experimental research interest, for opto-electronics, spintronics, newlinemedicines, bio-imaging, magnetism and energy storage devices addressing the modern newlinedemands and challenges. newlineThe well-known atomic-orbital theory, tight-binding approximation and densityfunctional newlinetheory have been successfully used to understand the emerged properties of the newlineatoms and its periodic arrangement. By altering the periodicity to a nanometre scale, the newlinebehavior of the solid can be manipulated to a new avenue of research in the condensed matter newlinephysics. Moreover, there are grey aspects between pure atomic and nanoscale solids. For newlineexample, the arrangement of finite number of atoms to a stable geometry provides a new branch newlineof science known as cluster physics that proposed to be maintained a bridge between the above newlineareas. According to the latest theoretical and experimental observation, there are contradictory newlineprediction about the size and stability of the smallest realizable gold cluster (e.g., Au8) and newlineopening of HOMO-LUMO gap.
Appears in Departments:School of Basic Sciences

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