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Title: Design and implementation of a novel digital modulation classifier for software defined radio receivers
Researcher: Prakasam P
Guide(s): Madheswaran M
Keywords: Information and Communication engineering
novel digital modulation
radio receivers
Upload Date: 18-Jun-2015
University: Anna University
Completed Date: 01/10/2009
Abstract: In the recent past developments in the field of wireless newlinecommunication systems have seen many technological revolutions The third newlinegeneration 3G and fourth generation 4G have witnessed the advancements newlineand posed many technological challenges It is seen that different linklayer newlineprotocol standards have been used in each generation These revolutions newlinefurther demands innovations by the subscribers wireless network operators newlineand equipment vendors Software Defined Radio SDR is found to be an newlineenterprising technology that can resolve many of the existing problems arising newlinefrom various incompatible wireless communications standards throughout the newlineworld newline newline
Pagination: xviii, 121p.
Appears in Departments:Faculty of Information and Communication Engineering

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