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Title: Design and Development of Novel Antenna for Effective and Efficient Data Transfer for Multi Band Communication
Researcher: Maroli Shailesh Rao
Guide(s): Prabhugoud I Basarkod
Keywords: Engineering
Engineering and Technology
Engineering Electrical and Electronic
University: REVA University
Completed Date: 2022
Abstract: In 1953, Deschamps and Sichak took the first step towards formalizing the microstrip newlineantennas. However, it was not until the 1970s that researchers could realize a practical newlinemicrostrip antenna. The effort of Bob Munson yielded the first practical microstrip antenna. newlineImmediately after publishing the details by Munson, J. Q. Howell presented the classical newlinepaper at the 1972 International Symposium of the Antennas and Propagation Group of the newlineIEEE. Subsequently, researchers took up extensive research to harness the advantages of newlinemicrostrip patch antennas. newlineProf Veselago proposed the theoretical concept of left-handed materials in 1963. However, it newlinewas not until the late 1990s and early 2000s that researchers could effectively harness this newlineproperty the contributions of D. R. Smith, J. B. Pendry, S. Schultz, A. J. Holden, W. J. newlinePadilla and a few others are exemplary. As a result, the left-handed media with tandem newlinenegative permittivity and permeability are called negative-refractive, backwards, doublenegative, newlineand Veselago media. newlineThere has been rapid development in microstrip antenna design incorporating unique newlinestructures to improve performance and versatility in the last decade. As a result, microstrip newlineantennas find their utility in diverse fields and many devices in airborne systems, groundbased newlinesystems, and space vehicles. Various computer-aided tools (Ansys HFSS, IE3D, newlineFEKO, Keysight ADS, NI AWR) are available today for carrying out microstrip patch newlineantenna design, analysis and optimization. newlineThe thesis delves into the discussion of the following topics- newlineModelling and analysis of metallic inclusions in stacked non-homogeneous newlinedielectric substrates, newlineDeveloping dual non-homogeneous substrate microstrip patch antennas with newlineembedded square split ring resonators to enhance the multiband performance, newlineDesign and development of a novel complementary resonating structure for newlinebandwidth improvement and aiding circular polarization, and newlineDesign and develop a modified complementary resonator to provide a bandstop newlinefeature in a multi
Appears in Departments:School of Electronics & Communication Engineering

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