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Title: Investigations on induced thermochromism in hydrogen bonded thermotropic liquid crystals Experimental and computational methods
Researcher: Ramya, A
Guide(s): Vijayakumar, V N
Keywords: Crystal research
Physical Sciences
Physics Multidisciplinary
University: Anna University
Completed Date: 2022
Abstract: various applications like optoelectronic and HD display devices. Researchers in the advanced LC material are still being discovered to make an available of effective solution for plenty of innovations. Particularly, designing of Hydrogen Bonded Thermotropic Liquid Crystals (HBTLC) gives great allusion to execute the current challenge in the display devices materials. newlineBy applying an external electric field, LC materials exhibit various mesogenic phases with textural variant at different transition temperatures. These molecules are aligned in different direction and it shows a variety of mesomorphic behaviours. In this endeavor, systematic study of BMA+nOBA (where n represent the carbon number and n = 5 to 12) HBTLC complexes have been successfully carried out. Based on the experimental and theoretical studies, thermo-optical properties are studied and discussed in the present work. newlineA non-mesogenic compound of benzylmalonic acid (BMA) consists of central aromatic core system with electrophilic nature. The pure mesogenic compounds have nucleophilic nature (i.e., p-n-alkyloxybenzoic acid nOBA, where n = 2 to 12). Intermolecular interaction between nOBA and BMA compound exhibits rich phase polymorphism due to its self-assembled molecular structure. HBTLC complexes are characterized by various experimental studies such as FT-IR, XRD and NMR methods. Optical and thermal characterization has been carried out using POM and DSC. newlineHBTLC complexes exhibit nematic and smectic mesophases with different textural variations. In the nematic texture, the thermoluminesence with thermochromic variations and chiral influences in the nematic phase textural changes are viewed. These observations are most identical and novel properties in the present research work. newline
Pagination: xx,160p.
Appears in Departments:Faculty of Science and Humanities

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