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Title: Two arm randomized open labelled controlled clinical study to evaluate the efficacy of Pippalyadi basti and Lekhan basti in the management of Medoroga with special reference to Obesity
Researcher: Ritu Wadhwa
Guide(s): D.M. Padavi
Clinical Medicine
Clinical Pre Clinical and Health
Endocrinology and Metabolism tissue
University: Padmashree Dr. D.Y. Patil Vidyapeeth, Navi Mumbai
Completed Date: 2022
Abstract: Abstract newlineThe prevalence of obesity has increased threefold in the last two decades and continues to rise. Management of obesity with modern drugs remains unsatisfactory. As per research, it is a precursor to coronary heart disease, hypertension, diabetes mellitus, and hyperlipidemia, which have been recognized as the leading killer diseases of the millennium. The present clinical study was conducted to evaluate and compare the newlineclinical efficacy of two herbal therapeutic approaches for obesity on 60 patients at D.Y. Patil Ayurved newlineHospital, Nerul, Navi Mumbai. A two-month course was designed, in which patients were divided into two groups, each receiving Pippalyadi basti and Lekhan basti which was given as niruha basti. During this trial, two sittings of nine consecutive basti, with six niruha basti and three anuvasan basti with triphaladi tail, were administered with a gap of 18 days. Assessment of objective criteria involved measurement of body weight and BMI, whereas subjective parameter comprised Alasya (Utsahahani), Atikshudha, Atipipasa, newlineAtisweda, Dourbalya, and Dourgandhya. It was found that Pippalyadi basti was as effective as Lekhan newline newlinebasti in the management of Medoroga (obesity). Internal purification procedures such as Lekhan basti and newlinePippalyadi basti perform strotas shodhan and samprapti vighatan that hold immense potential and newlineeffectiveness in reducing body weight and other obesity-related symptoms. newline newline
Pagination: 255
Appears in Departments:School of Ayurveda

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