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dc.description.abstractInformation and Communication Technology (ICT) integration in education refers newlineto using technology in teaching and learning processes. The use of Information and Communication Technology (ICT) in the classroom would solve a lot of the problems related to Zimbabwean secondary school education. It motivates students to learn by providing a variety of learning activities such as watching videos, viewing pictures and models and online quizzes. This interests students who are digital natives and is more applicable to their everyday experiences. newlineStudent participation increases when ICT is used in the classroom as students are newlineconversant with the use of technology. ICT integration in education also allows students to learn in circumstances where there are shortages of teachers. The culture which exists in a school and the competencies of the educational leaders cannot be ignored when planning for and assessing the outcome of ICT integration programs. This study focused on Information and Communication newlineTechnology Integration in Education by Harare Secondary School Teachers, in relation to School Technology Culture and their Educational Leader Competencies . A survey was carried out in government and private secondary schools in Harare, Zimbabwe during the period from October 2012 to mid-2013. The population was all the secondary school teachers in Harare district of Zimbabwe. According to the data obtained from the Ministry of Education in October 2012, the target population of secondary school teachers in Harare was 4 244. The sample size was calculated based on an equation cited from Camorin and Calmorin (2007:230). This newlinegave a sample of 248 teachers from Harare secondary schools. 140 were females and 108 males. Four research instruments were used for data collection: a proforma on demographics, the ICT Integration questionnaire (ICTIQ), the School Technology Culture (STC) Scale and the Educational Leader Competency (ELC) scale.
dc.format.extentxxi, 290p.;
dc.titleInformation and communication technology integration in education by harare secondary school teachers in relation to school technology culture and their educational leader competencies
dc.creator.researcherEdina, Ndawi Vimbai
dc.subject.keywordEducation and Educational Research
dc.subject.keywordSocial Sciences
dc.subject.keywordSocial Sciences General
dc.contributor.guideThomas, Kennedy Andrew and Nyaruwata, Leonorah Tendayi
dc.publisher.universityCHRIST University
dc.publisher.institutionSchool of Education
Appears in Departments:School of Education

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