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dc.description.abstractPerformance appraisal systems need to be effective in improving or sustaining employee performance; otherwise, they are a sheer waste of time and money spent on their development and implementation. This study was an evaluation of the effectiveness of the current teacher performance appraisal system, in relation to teacher dedication to work, newlineas practised in Zimbabwean Secondary Schools. Since the introduction of the current teacher appraisal scheme in Zimbabwe in 2011, no research was carried out to determine whether it serves the purposes for which it was designed. Evaluating the effectiveness of the system encompasses a wide scope, including the perceptions of those appraised. The question that comes to the fore is,and#8214; What are teachers perceptions of the effectiveness of the current system of teacher appraisal as practised in public and private secondary schools in Zimbabwe?and#8214; Both quantitative newlineand qualitative methods of research were used to address the question. The study sought to establish the strength of the relationship that exist between the current teacher performance appraisal system and day to day newlineduties of the teacher, the extent to which it leads to improvements in the teaching and students learning process. It also seeks to establish how it addresses teacher development needs and whether the mechanisms and procedures for the management and implementation of the appraisal system in the schools are adequate. The current Performance Appraisal System, Result-Based Management and is output oriented. The main objective of this study was to assess the effectiveness of the current performance appraisal system on the performance of teachers in public and private secondary schools in Zimbabwe, by studying its implementation in five of the ten provinces. The overall purpose of the newlinestudy is to contribute to current policy and practice debate on how to improve and strengthen teacher performance appraisal and management system in Zimbabwe.
dc.format.extentxx, 168p.;
dc.titleEffectiveness of performance appraisal systems in relation to teacher dedication in public and private secondary schools in zimbabwe
dc.creator.researcherNcube, Audria
dc.subject.keywordEconomics and Business
dc.subject.keywordSocial Sciences
dc.contributor.guideKumar, D N S and Pavari, N
dc.publisher.universityCHRIST University
dc.publisher.institutionDepartment of Management Studies
Appears in Departments:Department of Management Studies

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