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Title: Biocomposites based on poly ethylene covinyl acetate and scallop shell powder
Researcher: M, MANOJ
Guide(s): Sujith, A
Keywords: Physical Sciences
Chemistry Organic
Photocatalytic properties
University: National Institute of Technology Calicut
Completed Date: 2022
Abstract: newline Nowadays, polymer biocomposites has got attention as a substitute for the nonrenewable newlinepetroleum based polymers due to its excellent ecofriendly properties and its newlinecapability to reduce environmental pollution. Due to their extraordinary properties, newlinebiocomposite are widely used for various applications such as packaging, water newlinepurification, biomedical systems, structural materials, biomedical storage device, etc. newlineThe mechanical, thermal, physical and chemical properties of the biocmposite are newlinemainly based on the nature of fillers and their uniform distribution in the polymer newlinematrix. The bifunctional properties such as photocatalytic and antibacterial properties of newlinethe filler can be helpful to impart these properties to the composite. Thus we can design newlinea biocomposite with unique advanced properties. newlineThe thesis presents development of poly (ethylene-co-vinyl acetate) (EVA)/calcined newlinescallop shell powder (CS4) biocomposites. These compositescan show various newlinefunctional properties like photocatalytic and antibacterial activity. These functional newlineproperties of the composite are helpful for the degradation of dye in water and also for newlinepackaging applications. newlineThe thesis comprises of seven chapters. The first chapter gives the brief introduction of newlinecomposites, different types of composites, biocomposites, various classifications of newlinepolymer matrix and filler. The major classes of polymer matrix materials are thermosets newlineand thermoplastics. The important thermoplastics used for food packaging are newlinediscussed. In addition to this the various fillers like metal oxide and seashell powders newlineare used as reinforcement in polymer are studied. This chapter also gives different types newlineof composite fabrication method, literature review, the scope and objective of the
Appears in Departments:Chemistry

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