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Title: Market basket analysis using big data and association rule mining
Researcher: Mishra,Suchismita
Guide(s): Patnaik,Srikanta
Keywords: Computer Science
Computer Science Hardware and Architecture
Engineering and Technology
University: Siksha
Completed Date: 2020
Abstract: xxi newlineABSTRACT newlineIn the present study, 28 monuments of Bhubaneswar that are known as places of national newlineimportance and recognized by ASI were taken to implement holistic paradigm that would newlineserve as a new approach in terms of heritage tourism in Odisha. For which the views of the newlinehost population, stakeholders and perceptions of tourists for a holistic development in newlineheritage tourism was taken. The main objective was to help in developing a better heritage newlinedestination that can be applied in the heritage sites in the temple city of Bhubaneswar. newlineThe aim was to study (a) the concept of heritage tourism, (b) identify the heritage sites in newlinethe temple city of Bhubaneswar, to understand the role of the host population, tourist and newlinestakeholders on heritage tourism development based on the existing literature, to propose a newlineholistic paradigm involving host population, tourists and stakeholders in the development newlineof heritage tourism in the temple city Bhubaneswar. newlineTo examine the economical, socio-cultural and environmental aspects of heritage tourism newlineand their impact on host population across different age groups in the temple city newlineBhubaneswar, to study the perception of tourists of different age, education and income newlinegroups on economical, socio-cultural and environmental aspects of heritage tourism in the newlinetemple city Bhubaneswar a structured questionnaire was administered separately to tourist, newlinehost population and stakeholders. Finally, recommendations based on the outcome of the newlinestudy was provided. newlineThe results emerged from the study have been done by analyzing the data collected from newlineboth the secondary and primary sources. The views and opinions of 501-host population, newline400 tourists and 112 principle stakeholders of heritage tourism in Bhubaneswar were taken newline
Pagination: xi,172
Appears in Departments:Department of Computer Science

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