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dc.description.abstractThis thesis has been prepared on project entitled Spatial Distribution of Uranium and newlineAssociated Water Quality Parameters in Five District of Bihar (Aurangabad, Gaya, newlineNawada, Jahanabad, Nalanda) with the reference project No. 36(4)/14/10/2014- newlineBRNS. The objective of this work is to investigate the distribution of uranium and basic newlinewater quality parameter in six districts of Bihar (above cited five districts and urban newlinePatna). The urban Patna has been selected preliminary study to understand the uranium newlinegeochemistry and its association with water quality parameters. The objective of the newlinework had been accomplished by intensive site visits, laboratory analyses of collected newlinesamples, quality control exercises and statistical interpretation of the database. The newlinenumber of samples for five districts Aurangabad (112), Gaya (165), Nawada (82), newlineJahenabad (36) and Nalanda (76) has been collected. The post monsoon sampling was newlinestarted during the end of September and continued till December. The Second Phase newline(Pre-monsoon) of sampling was started during march 2017 and continued till onset of newlinemonsoon e.g. July 2017. The number of samples collected during pre-monsoon in five newlinedistricts Aurangabad (112), Gaya (156), Nawada (75), Jahenabad (41), Nalanda (78). newlineThe samples variation was observed during both the phase because of unavailability newlineand unreachability to the source during the sampling period. Sampling was carried out newlinein such a manner that ~ 70% of the sampling location could be repeated. Representative newlinesamples were subjected to analytical inter comparison at NIT Patna and Environmental newlinesurvey laboratory (regional Centre of BARC Jaduguda). Apart from this, some newlinesamples with elevated level of uranium was analyzed using conventional fluorimetry newlineat ESL, Jaduguda. The calibration and other quality control aspects were incorporated newlineas per the existing protocol and certain modification suggested/required. Basic newlinestatistical analyses were done for the spatial distribution of uranium and relevant water quality parameter.
dc.format.extentxv, 153p.
dc.titleInvestigations of Uranium and its associated water quality parameters in groundwater of South Bihar India
dc.creator.researcherKumar, Deepak
dc.subject.keywordEngineering and Technology
dc.subject.keywordEngineering Civil
dc.contributor.guideSingh, Anshuman and Jha, Rishi Kumar
dc.publisher.universityNational Institute of Technology Patna
dc.publisher.institutionCivil Engineering
Appears in Departments:Civil Engineering

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01_title.pdfAttached File65.27 kBAdobe PDFView/Open
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04_abstract.pdf176.82 kBAdobe PDFView/Open
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