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dc.description.abstractSeveral methods have been proposed in the literature to solve IFMADMPrs having partially known attribute weights [50, 63, 81, 146, 222-225, 241], IVIFMADMPrs having partially known attribute weights [62, 108, 213, 258], IVPFMADMPrs having partially known attribute weights [84], IVIFMADMPrs having IVIF attribute weights [39-45, 47-49, 52, 55, 127-129, 132, 137, 209 211]. However, after a deep study, it is observed that all these existing methods are inappropriate. Also, it is observed that it is inappropriate to apply the existing method [98] for solving IVIFMAGDM problems having completely unknown attribute weights. Furthermore, it is observed that the existing definition of an IVIFS [9] and the existing definition of an IVPFS [164] are inappropriate. Keeping all above in mind, the aim of this thesis is (i) To point out the inappropriateness of the existing methods [50, 63, 81, 146, 222-225, 241] for solving IFMADMPrs having partially known attribute weights as well as to propose an appropriate method for solving IFMADMPrs having partially known attribute weights. (ii) To point out the inappropriateness of the existing methods [62, 108, 213, 258] for solving IVIFMADMPrs having partially known attribute weights as well as to propose an appropriate method for solving IVIFMADMPrs having partially known attribute weights. (iii) To point out the inappropriateness of the existing methods [84] for solving IVPFMADMPrs having partially known attribute weights as well as to propose an appropriate method for solving IVPFMADMPrs having partially known attribute weights. (iv) To point out the inappropriateness of the existing methods [39-45, 47-49, 52, 55, 127-129, 132, 137, 209- 211] for solving IVIFMADMPrs having IVIF weights as well as to propose an appropriate method for solving IVIFMADMPrs having IVIF weights. (v) To point out the inappropriateness of the existing method [98] for solving IVIFMAGDM problems having completely unknown weights.
dc.titleSome Methods for Solving Multi Attribute Decision Making Problems under Fuzzy Environment and Its Extensions
dc.creator.researcherKaur, Arshdeep
dc.subject.keywordPhysical Sciences
dc.contributor.guideKumar, Amit
dc.publisher.universityThapar Institute of Engineering and Technology
dc.publisher.institutionSchool of Mathematics
Appears in Departments:School of Mathematics

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