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Title: Pester power consumer behavior Among kids and its impact on family Buying A study with reference to packaged convenience Food in kerala
Researcher: Hari sundar G
Guide(s): Sudha rani ravindran D
Keywords: Food in kerala
Pester power consumer
Upload Date: 22-May-2015
University: Anna University
Completed Date: 01/10/2014
Abstract: In today s environment many nuclear families have emerged and newlinethe role of elders have been limited in these places with the kids starting to newlinegain dominance in decision making especially in the area of purchases newlineToday kids have become powerful influencers in their role as consumers on newlinevarious product categories even on those products which they don t use newlinedirectly newlineCommercial pressures on kids and teenage youth may encourage newlinecontinual consumption and acquisition at the expense of informed consumer newlinedecision making and environmental sensitivity newlineThe purchase decision making by the consumers in today s world is newlinelargely different from that of the past Though the degree of influence of newlinepurchase decision and tastes vary from person to person the kids of today newlinehave become powerful as influencers It is under such a context that this newlineresearch is being made The theme was selected as Study on Pester power newlineconsumer behavior among kids and its impact on family buying with newlinereference to packaged convenience food in Kerala newlineDuring the course of searching for any secondary data it was also newlineidentified there were just a few minor research works that were carried out on newlinekids influence in Kerala There were no works related to the influence of kids newlinein the purchase of packaged convenience foods behind which most of the kids newlineare running helter skelter newline
Pagination: xx, 208p.
Appears in Departments:Faculty of Management Studies

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