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Title: Effect of Fly Ash and Sewage Sludge for Movement of Heavy Metals at Different Soil Depth and Nutrient Uptake by Okra and Spinach
Researcher: Khatana, Raghu nandan singh
Guide(s): Thomas, Tarence
Keywords: Agricultural Engineering
Agricultural Sciences
Life Sciences
University: Sam Higginbottom Institute of Agriculture, Technology and Sciences
Completed Date: 2022
Abstract: newline The research entitled Effect of fly ash and sewage sludge for movement of heavy metals at newlinedifferent soil depth and nutrients uptake by Okra and Spinach conducted at the Soil Science newlineResearch Farm, Sam Higginbottom University of Agriculture, Technology and Sciences, Prayagraj, newlineU.P during the Kharif-Rabi 2020-2021 and 2021-2022. The experiment was laid out in Randomized newlineBlock Design with twelve treatments and three replications with four levels of sewage sludge and fly newlineash with and without NPK as a RDF that leads to the non-significant findings i.e Bulk Density (Mg newlinem-3 newline), Particle Density(Mg m-3 newline), Per cent pore space and pH and remaining macro- micro nutrients, newlineheavy metals in soil and nutrient uptake by plants, also the morphological parameters have significant newlinefindings which comprises yellowish brown in colour, sandy loam textured, neutral to alkaline soil newlinethat is non-saline in nature among all the treatment combination applied the Per Cent Organic Carbon, newlineNitrogen, Phosphorus, Potassium (kg ha-1 newline) were founded significantly medium to high in treatment newlineT12, micro-nutrients such as Iron, Manganese, Zinc, Copper were significantly medium to high in newlinetreatment T12 (sewage sludgeat52 t ha-1 + fly ash at52t ha-1+ NPK as RDF) and heavy metals such newlineas Cadmium, Nickle, Lead, Chromium were founded with in the permissible limit given according newlineto FAO/WHO. While in Plant uptake by different plant parts the Macro-nutrients like Nitrogen, newlinePhosphorus, Potassium were observed significantly high in fruit of okra instead of biomass as well newlineas in spinach found in leaves instead of root in treatment T12 (sewage sludgeat52 t ha-1 + fly ash newlineat52t ha-1+ NPK as RDF), micro-nutrients such as Iron, Manganese, Zinc, Copper were significantly newlinehigher in fruit of okra and leaves of spinach in treatment T12 (sewage sludgeat52 t ha-1 + fly ash newlineat52t ha-1+ NPK as RDF) and heavy metals such as Cadmium, Nickel, Lead, Chromium were seen newlinesignificantly higher in fruit of okra and leaves of spinach instead of other plant
Appears in Departments:Department of Soil Science and Agricultureal Chemistry

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