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Title: Investigation on machine learning algorithms for network intrusion detection system
Researcher: Jaiganesh, V
Guide(s): Sumathi, P
Keywords: algorithms
Upload Date: 9-May-2015
University: Manonmaniam Sundaranar University
Completed Date: July 2014
Abstract: The network security is the major research issue in the field of computer science newlineResearch Network security industry is evolving for the past several decades It adapts and newlineresponds to the persistent pressure given by the cyber criminals Due to advancements in newlineInternet technologies and the number of network attacks network intrusion detection has newlinebecome significant research issue This research focuses investigation on machine newlinelearning algorithms for networks intrusion detection system newline newline
Pagination: x, 165p.
Appears in Departments:Department of Computer Science & Engg.

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