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Title: Improved algorithms for test suite Reduction in data flow testing
Researcher: Preethi harris
Guide(s): Nedunchezian R
Keywords: Adapted Bee Colony Test Suite Reduction
Bee Colony Optimization
Upload Date: 9-May-2015
University: Anna University
Completed Date: 01/04/2014
Abstract: newlineLeading edge technologies demand software to be built on a solid newlinefoundation of requirements development processes project management newlinemethodologies and quality practices Such software intensive systems demand newlinehigh quality product However it is estimated that software developers newlineapproximately spend half of the development cost and time on testing to newlinerelease a quality product Better software testing practices can cut down the newlinecost incurred to develop quality products and also avert software failures This newlineleads to focusing on proper test optimization techniques Test suite reduction newlineis one such technique that addresses the problem of optimizing test suites In newlinethis presented work different test suite reduction algorithms have been newlineproposed for optimizing test suites newlineThe details of literature study also reveal that most of the proposed newlinetest suite reduction approaches focus only on the test metric considering the newlinetest suite size In this work attempts have been made to construct optimal test newlinesuites for testing software using four different algorithms These algorithms newlinealso investigate the effectiveness of some notable test metrics while newlineoptimizing the test suites newlineThe concept of Bee Colony Optimization approach has been newlineproposed as Adapted Bee Colony Test Suite Reduction ABC TSR algorithm newline newline
Pagination: xxi, 172p.
Appears in Departments:Faculty of Information and Communication Engineering

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