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dc.description.abstractWater pollution is a severe problem all over the world, as a growing percentage of surface and ground water resources are being contaminated due to uncontrolled disposal of wastes, sewage, industrial effluents into land and water bodies. The problem is compounded due to rapidly depleting groundwater table. Hence in water scarce and polluted areas, prediction of pollution migration based on site conditions and arriving at suitable remedial methods are very important for managing the groundwater system. newlineRapid urbanisation and urban migration not only contaminate the water, but also makes the water resource allocation very difficult. Landfills have been identified as one of the major threats to groundwater resources. More than 90% of Municipal Solid Waste (MSW) generated in India is directly dumped on land in an unscientific way. Municipal Solid waste placed in landfills or open dumps are subjected to leachate and contaminate the groundwater. One such condition is prevailing in Thanjavur district of south India, where the decadal population growth is 13.61% as against the state average of 27.16%. newlineTherefore, there is a need to study the impact of leachate to study the impact of leachate percolation on groundwater quality from an unlined Municipal Solid waste landfill site at Srinivasapuram, Thanjavur district, Tamilnadu, India. Various physicochemical parameters were analysed in the leachate and groundwater samples to understand the possible link of groundwater contamination. newlineFor this research purpose, 25 wells were identified in the study area and water quality was monitored for the pre and post monsoon periods. Descriptive statistics of physical and chemical characteristics of groundwater samples during pre and post-monsoon period were carried out. Spatial variations of the physicochemical parameters of the ground water quality in and around dumping yard were drawn using contour mapping software such as Surfer 6.0.
dc.titleQuantification Characterisation Leachate Analysis And Assessment Of Ground Water Pollution Near Municipal Solidwaste Landfill A Case Study
dc.creator.researcherThayalnayahi, D
dc.subject.keywordEngineering and Technology
dc.subject.keywordEngineering Civil
dc.contributor.guideJayanthi, R
dc.publisher.universityPeriyar Maniammai University
dc.publisher.institutionDepartment of Civil Engineering
Appears in Departments:Department of Civil Engineering

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