Department of English : [184] Collection home page

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Collection's Items (Sorted by Upload Date in Descending order): 1 to 20 of 184
Upload DateTitleResearcherGuide(s)
28-Mar-2024Multiple Ramayanas a study of select Ramayana narratives in malayalam literatureAswathi M PJanaky Sreedharan
16-Jan-2024The wound and the word an analysis of select trauma narrativesAparna Raveendran CUmer Thasneem
12-Jul-2023From Content based to Skill oriented Testing Resistance Prospects and PossibilitiesAfsal JamalAbdul Latheef V
12-May-2023Written in Blood A Study of Menstrual Narratives in Contemporary ContextsRoshna VJanaky Sreedharan
19-Apr-2023Reimagining power relations a study of select contemporay select narrativesMeera KJoycee O J and Sijo Varghese C
21-Mar-2023Spiritual Liberation in Simulated Societies a Study of Inner Consciousness in the Select Works of Haruki MurakamiAnupama ASherly M D and Sijo Varghese C
20-Mar-2023From Object to Posthuman Becoming Tracing the Trajectory of Female Subjectivity in Margaret Atwoods Post Apocalyptic FictionAnargha PSherrif K M and Ramachandran Nair N
20-Mar-2023Towards a Counter Aesthetic Expressions of Resistance and Identity in Contemporary Malayalam Dalit PoetryHaridasan AUmer Thasneem
18-Feb-2023Subversive survival trauma and post traumatic resilience in the north east indian literary imaginationSwathi KrishnaJoycee O J and Sijo Varghese C
18-Feb-2023From object to posthuman becoming tracing the trajectory of female subjectivity in margaret atwoods post apocalyptic fictionAnargha PRamachandran Nair N
23-Jan-20239 11 and western imagination a study of select novelsShihabudhen CUmer Thasnem
14-Nov-2022Born in the Wrong Body A Study of Select Contemporary Transgender Life WritingsAnita V SPrathibha V
13-Jan-2022Female Agon in Alien Contexts Gender and Ethnical Conflicts in the Select Women Diasporic WritingsReshmi SUsha K and Abitha Balagopalan
12-Jan-2022ranscalarity and transtemporality An intersectional analysis of select works of Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie Buchi Emecheta and Flora NwapaReshma M PNila N
25-Nov-2021Salvaging the past a study of the historical novels of Alex Rutherford and Indu SundaresanLinet SebastianSajitha M A
25-Nov-2021Voice of the voiceless a comparative study on the selected autobiographies of black and dalit writersSageera M PSajitha M A
19-Aug-2021Salvaging the past a study of the historical novels of Alex Rutherford and Indu SundaresanLinet SebastianSujatha M A
19-Aug-2021Voice of the voiceless a comparative study on the selected autobiographies of black and dalit writersSageera M PSajitha M A
19-Aug-2021Travails of earth ecological concerns in the select contemporary fictionPriya KSudha K P and Abitha Balagopal
17-Aug-2021Relocating medical thrillers Ethical concerns in the select works of Robin CookVani P NairPreetha M M and Co guide Abitha Balagopal
Collection's Items (Sorted by Upload Date in Descending order): 1 to 20 of 184