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dc.description.abstractThis thesis carries out an empirical investigation of the impact of trade liberalization, newlinetrade participation and technology related factors on gender differences in labour newlinemarket outcomes in India s organised manufacturing sector. We focus on three newlineaspects of the labour market: female employment intensity, gender differences in job newlinedynamics (job creation, job destruction and job reallocation rates) and gender wage newlinegap. The analysis has been carried out using industry as well as plant level panel data newlinefrom India s organized (formal) manufacturing sector covering the period between newline1998 and 2008. The study period witnessed far-reaching trade liberalization in India, newlineparticularly in consumer goods industries. In this context, an important question is newlinewhether trade can be used as an instrument to stimulate higher participation of women newlinein the labour market. This study contributes to the literature by undertaking a detailed newlinedemand side analysis of trade and technology related determinants of various labour newlinemarket outcomes for women in India. newlineSome of the specific research questions addressed in the thesis are: What are the newlinebroad trends in female employment intensity (FEI) in India s manufacturing sector newlineand how does it vary across industries? Does it vary across industry groups classified newlineon the basis of trade orientation and factor intensity (technology)? What factors newlineexplain the variation in FEI across industries and plants? Why do some plants employ newlinewomen workers while others do not? Are job market dynamics (job creation, newlinedestruction and reallocation) gender differentiated? What is the effect of real newlineexchange rate driven changes in international competitiveness on job dynamics of newlinemale and female workers? Does gender wage gap vary across industry groups and newlinewhat are its determinants?
dc.format.extentvi, 211p
dc.titleInternational trade and womens labour market outcomes
dc.title.alternativeEvidence from Indian manufacturing
dc.creator.researcherBanerjee, Purna
dc.subject.keywordEconomics and Business
dc.subject.keywordSocial Sciences
dc.contributor.guideVeeramani, C
dc.publisher.universityIndira Gandhi Institute of Development Research
dc.publisher.institutionIndira Gandhi Institute of Development Research
Appears in Departments:Indira Gandhi Institute of Development Research

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01_title.pdfAttached File74.71 kBAdobe PDFView/Open
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06_list_of_tables_figures.pdf216.75 kBAdobe PDFView/Open
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