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Title: Food Systems and Food Security
Researcher: Sikarwar, Neha
Guide(s): Gogia, Jyoti
Keywords: Economics
Economics and Business
Social Sciences
University: Dayalbagh Educational Institute
Completed Date: 2021
Abstract: Population trends are highly interconnected with many aspects of food systems and food and nutrition security of a nation. Globally, one out of seven people suffers from hunger and does not have a secured access to food. India is also encountering the challenges of hunger, food insecurity and malnutrition. Food systems play a key role in addressing the health and nutritional needs of people and thus, in enhancing their food security. The existing literature does not provide sufficient empirical evidence to establish linkages between food system and food and nutrition security. Therefore, the present study was undertaken and entitled as Food Systems and Food Security: Linkages and Challenges. newlineConfirming the strong linkages between various aspects of food system and food security, the study provides the status of food systems and food and nutrition security (at household level) in Uttar Pradesh. It highlights that how the shortcomings of food systems have been reflecting in the food security level of households of Uttar Pradesh. Further, it emphasises on the various challenges faced while reducing the food insecurity. A case study on the sustainable food systems approach of Dayalbagh that comprehends the complete food and nutrition security for its residents has been analysed. Finally, various suggestions have been proposed for developing administrative insights in order to draft effective policies in future so that food and nutrition security through a sustainable food systems approach could be realized. newlineA sample of 400 households from four areas of Uttar Pradesh viz. Eastern rural, Eastern urban, Western rural and Western urban have been undertaken. Sixty households from Dayalbagh community have been taken for presenting a case study on Dayalbagh. The present study includes both qualitative and quantitative research approaches. The data has been collected through primary and secondary sources. Various statistical tools and scales have been used to provide statistically significant results. In all, the study has successfully filled the research gaps and achieved its framed objectives. It also provides future research directions. newline newline
Appears in Departments:Department of Economics

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