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dc.description.abstractnewline Endemic fluoride ingestion through drinking water leads to detrimental health newlineeffects in human communities. Boosted fluoride concentration in the blood, traverse newlinethe blood-brain barrier; induces free radical over production in lens that triggers lens newlineprotein denaturation, aggregation and precipitation leading to lens opacification newline(cataract). Free radicals having the potentiality to disconcert the eye lens homeostasis, newlineleading to loss of lens transparency. Free radicals oxidize the eye lens protein (protein newlinecarbonylation). The proportion of protein carbonylation gradually increased with the newlineincreased concentration of fluoride. Lenses are composed of transparent crystalline newlineprotein; and the oxidation of lens proteins by free radicals or reactive oxygen species newlineinducing to lens opacification, resulting in cataractogenesis. Fluoride significantly newlineincreases the opacification in the eye lenses with the increasing fluoride newlineconcentration. Fluoride induced cataractogenesis include the main mechanism of newlinebiochemical alterations in the in the aqueous humor along with decrease in the newlineactivity of antioxidant enzymes such as Superoxide dismutase (SOD), Catalase (CAT) newlineand Glutathione (GSH) due to reactive oxygen species causing excessive oxidative newlineburden in eye lens. Catalase is being a one of the important enzyme of innate newlineenzymatic defense system of the lens; is responsible for the detoxification of newlinehydrogen peroxide (H2O2). Oxidative stress biomarkers such as lipid peroxidation newline(Malondialdehyde) and protein carbonylation (PC) are employed for oxidative newlinedamage of lens. Endogenous antioxidant such as reduced glutathione is present in newlinesignificant concentration in lens; Superoxide dismutase and catalase maintain the free newlineradicals level below toxicity standards. Decreased activities of these antioxidant newlineenzymes in eye lens results significantly increased the toxic effect of highly reactive newlinefree radicals; leading to the loss of integrity and function of eye lens. Glutathione is a newlinemajor antio
dc.titleInvitro Study on the effect of fluoride on Goat eye lens proactive potential of herbal preparation
dc.creator.researcherRathore,Sumer Singh
dc.subject.keywordBiology and Biochemistry
dc.subject.keywordLife Sciences
dc.contributor.guideChauhan, Dushyant singh and Triphati, Sandeep
dc.publisher.universityNims University Rajasthan
dc.publisher.institutionDepartment of Biotechnology
Appears in Departments:Department of Biotechnology

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