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Title: Performance and analysis of blocking Artifacts reduction in h 264 mpeg using Quadruple filtering schedule deblocking Filter
Researcher: Anto bennet M
Guide(s): Jacob raglend I
Keywords: Pseudo Random Noise Mask
Quadruple filtering
Upload Date: 23-Apr-2015
University: Anna University
Completed Date: 01/02/2014
Abstract: newlineToday majority of video coding standards use block based DCT newlinecoding methods to exploit spatial redundancy The basic idea is dividing of newlinethe whole image into blocks then applying transformation and quantization newlineAt low bit rate the loss of correlation occurs between adjacent blocks due to newlinecoarse quantization This introduces visually disturbing distortion and block newlinediscontinuities along the block edges, known as the blocking artifacts newlineThe latest H 264 AVC video coding standard uses normative newlineadaptive loop deblocking filter scheme for reduction of blocking artifacts It newlineproves to be effective in suppression of artifacts However it is newlinecomputationally very complex Therefore there is a need to reduce this newlinecomplexity in order to make it suitable for low bit rate applications e g real newlinetime mobile video Various attempts have been made to reduce this newlinecomplexity of deblocking algorithm but most of them deal with hardware newlineimplementation using efficient architecture Therefore an optimized newlinedeblocking algorithm based on Pseudo Random Noise Mask Filtering is newlineproposed newlineFirst the performance analysis of the deblocking filters for low bit newlinerate applications has been done newline
Pagination: iv, 205p.
Appears in Departments:Faculty of Information and Communication Engineering

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