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13-Oct-2020Design and Development of a Host Based Intrusion Detection System with Classification of AlertsPanigrahi RanjitBorah Samarjeet
24-Aug-2021Performance Analysis of Multilayer Hierarchical MIPv6 Under Heavy Traffic Condition and Varying Mobility PatternPokhrel KushalSarma HKD, Dutta Nitul, Ghose MK
3-Sep-2021Vegetation Carbon Pool Modelling of the Forests of Sikkim Himalayas Using Remote Sensing and GIS Based ApproachesKumar PradeepPradhan Ratika, Ghose M K,
6-Sep-2021A cloud computing architecture for robotsNingombam, DhrubaSingh, Chingtham Tejbanta and Ghose, Mrinal Kanti
19-Jan-2021Effect of Security Breaches in the Behaviour of Reactive Routing Protocols for ManetsSEN BISWARAJSharma Kalpana, Ghose Kanti Mrinal
12-May-2022Bio Inspired Intrusion Detection System using Resource Consumption based TechniquesDutt InadyutiBorah Samarjeet, Maitra Indra Kanta
21-Mar-2023Performance Optimization Techniques for Image RegistrationChakraborty SayanPradhan Ratika, DeyNilanjan
19-Aug-2024Development of Machine Learning Model to Assess Mass Balance of East Rathong Glacier West Sikkim using Microwave Remote Sensing and GISArpan SharmaMousumi Gupta
25-Jan-2024A Data Mining Approach for Detection of Parkinson s DiseasePramanik, MoumitaBorah, Samarjeet, Nandy, Parvati , Pradhan, Ratika
11-Sep-2024Development of Machine Learning Model to Assess Mass Balance of East Rathong Glacier West Sikkim using Microwave Remote Sensing and GISSharma, ArpanGupta, Mousumi