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Results 31-40 of 106 (Search time: 0.008 seconds).
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12-Mar-2021Occurrence of intestinal parasitic infections with gastrointestinal symptoms in the children of East SikkimChanu Onila NongmaithemSingh, Shantikuma T and Dutta, Sudip
1-Aug-2018Investigation of role of metal catalyst and substrates in gellium nitride nanowires synthesis by LPCVD techniqueRizal, Umeshn.d.
19-Jan-2021Synthesis and characterization of Titanium Aluminium Nitride thin films deposited by thermal CVD and ion beam sputtering techniqueDAS SOHAMSharma Ashis, Swain Prasad Bibhu
19-Jan-2021Effect of Security Breaches in the Behaviour of Reactive Routing Protocols for ManetsSEN BISWARAJSharma Kalpana, Ghose Kanti Mrinal
24-Jun-2022Impact of active reminders on patients beliefs and medication adherence A study in SikkimSaha Saibal KumarAdhikary Anindita, Jha Ajeya, Mehta V K
24-Jun-2022Bifurcation Quasiperiodic and Chaotic Behaviors of Nonlinear Acoustic Waves in PlasmasTamang JharnaSaha Asit
24-Jun-2022Performance Study of Quantum Transport in Tunnel Junction Devices for Low Power Logic ApplicationsDutta, RitamPaitya, Nitai
8-Aug-2022Development of a suitable technique for analyzing chaotic spectra of dc dc converters and its application in secure communicationThukral, Manish KumarSherpa, Karma Sonam
19-Jan-2021Synthesis and characterization of Titanium Aluminium Nitride thin films deposited by thermal CVD and ion beam sputtering techniqueDAS SOHAMSharma Ashis, Swain Prasad Bibhu
19-Jan-2021Generation of Islet Like Cell Cluster from Human Mesenchymal Stem Cells Derived from Umbilical Cord Wharton s Jelly and Cord Blood for Therapeutic Potential in Mice with Type 1 Diabetes MellitusSingh Parsh TakhelmayumSherpa L Mingma, Gupta Amlan, Pradhan Anup