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Title: Reliability analysis of some communication networks, software and shared load models
Researcher: Vasanthi T
Guide(s): Arulmozhi G
Keywords: communication networks
Reliability analysis
science and humanities
Upload Date: 17-Apr-2015
University: Anna University
Completed Date: 01/12/2008
Abstract: Reliability modeling deals with model building to obtain solutions newlineto problems in predicting estimating and optimizing the survival or newlineperformance of an unreliable system the impact of the unreliability and newlineactions to mitigate this impact The objective of this dissertation is to analyse newlinecertain reliability models It offers an interdisciplinary presentation on the newlineuses of probability theory and discusses practical applications of stochastic newlinemodels to diverse areas such as communication networks software modeling newlinereliability and operations research The analysis helps in finding the newlineperformance measures of the systems which in turn useful for implementing newline newline
Pagination: xixi, 135p.
Appears in Departments:Faculty of Science and Humanities

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