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dc.description.abstractWearable technology is a growing technology in today s wireless world. So, there is great newlinedemand for wearable devices comprising wearable antennas. Wearable antennas have to be newlineworn on the human body in the form of jackets, wrist watches, glasses, smart clothing, newlinehead-mounted displays, GPS shoes etc. Wearable antennas are a major part of all the wearable newlinedevices. These devices can be used for health monitoring, physical training, navigation, RFID, newlinemilitary, medical, human safety and security applications. First all the parameters are newlinemeasured on the circular patch antenna. Measurement is done using four substrate materials newlinesuitable for wearable applications like jeans, cotton, flannel, polyester. The effect of bending newlineis also observed for circular patch antennas. Radiations from such antennas greatly affect the newlinehuman body parts. The major focus is given on the effect of antennas on the human body. newlineAlong with the VSWR, return loss, bandwidth, and specific absorption rate (SAR) has been newlinemeasured using an equivalent tissue model. The structure is designed using Rogers 5880 as newlinesubstrate material and compared with FR4, polyester, flannel, and jeans, fleece, fabric, Teflon newlineetc. Ultra-wideband (UWB) (3 GHz to 10.6 GHz) is an emerging technology that promises newlinehigh-speed data transmission at low cost for wireless communications suitable for wearable newlineapplications. Hence, all structures are designed to work in the Ultra-Wide Band range newline(unlicensed 3.1 to 10.6 GHz.), extended up to 21 GHz, useful for wearable applications. This newlineantenna is suitable for wireless communication, medical, telemetry applications. All the newlineantennas are simulated using Ansys HFSS simulation software upto 21GHz. Wearable newlineantennas using flexible teflon material and other antennas using Rogers 5880 and FR4 have newlinebeen fabricated and tested using the Vector Network Analyzer. Also few parameters have been newlinemeasured in the anechoic chamber for getting best results.-
dc.format.extentAll Pages-
dc.titleDesign And Development Of Uwb Wearable Antenna For Wireless Applications-
dc.creator.researcherKANGO, MUGDHA ANAND-
dc.subject.keywordEngineering and Technology-
dc.subject.keywordEngineering Electrical and Electronic-
dc.contributor.guideOZA, SHRUTI-
dc.publisher.universityBharati Vidyapeeth Deemed University-
dc.publisher.institutionFaculty of Engineering and Technology-
Appears in Departments:Faculty of Engineering and Technology

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