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Title: Certain investigations on design and Performance analysis of advanced Antenna system with different Array configurations
Researcher: Poongodi C
Guide(s): Shanmugam A
Keywords: First Order Plus Dead Time
Multi Input Multi Output
Upload Date: 9-Apr-2015
University: Anna University
Completed Date: 01/05/2014
Abstract: The demand for spectral efficiency in wireless communication is newlineever increasing and Multiple Input Multiple Output MIMO systems are very newlineattractive for boosting capacity of a wireless communication link in a rich newlinemultipath environment But in mobile communication environment the newlinewireless channel is time varying due to the mobility of the wireless terminal newlineand multi path propagation MIMO performs well in scattering rich newlineenvironment but the wide area network is sometimes limited with only one or newlinetwo dominant paths In this case Adaptive Antenna System AAS provides newlineimproved spectral efficiency by using spatial multiplexing technique newlineIn this research the communication systems based on scattering newlineenvironments are reviewed and an algorithm is proposed for reconfigurable newlinecommunication system In this algorithm channel matrix is estimated and the newlinerank of the matrix depends upon the number of scattering paths For one or newlinetwo dominant paths the rank will be less than or equal to two If so the newlinesystem selects the AAS and chooses MIMO system if otherwise The newlinedirections of arrival estimation beamforming and channel capacity are used newlineas performance metrics In MIMO system the spatial correlation effect between antenna newlineelement reduces the channel capacity newline newline
Pagination: xxv, 228p.
Appears in Departments:Faculty of Information and Communication Engineering

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