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Title: United nation on education with special reference to human right education HRE
Researcher: Baljit Kaur
Guide(s): Sharma, Manish
Keywords: Gandhi s views on Education
Human Right Education
Human rights
Peace education
UN on Education
University: Panjab University
Completed Date: 2021
Abstract: This thesis is the outcome of an interdisciplinary research on United Nation on Education: With Special Reference to Human Right Education (HRE) under the supervision of Dr Manish Sharma, Chairperson, Department of Gandhian and Peace Studies. As per the outcome of the thesis Human rights are inalienable . They should not be taken away, except in specific situations and according to due process. First chapter of the thesis is an introduction to the background of this thesis with regard to the concepts of Human Rights, Peace, Education for Human Rights and Peace. A review of literature along with explanation of scope, significance, timeline, research methodology and potential contribution and limitations were undertaken in this chapter. In the second chapter the researcher has tried to unlock the different concepts and theories of human rights - meaning, definitions, approaches with historical background and United Nations Documents, UN different programmes of action taken on education and status of human right in India and also the status of Human Right Education. Third chapter mainly deals with the Peace Education as a major dimension of Human Right Education as without this important issue the different variables of HRE would not be possible to be checked and how Peace Education can help in achieving the desired results of HRE. Fourth chapter deals with analyses of data with the feedback received from the respondents through the open-ended Questionnaire, observations and the interpretation of the same along with the t-test and ANOVA. The last chapter is an attempt to bring different observations and findings of all chapters so that the final conclusions can be drawn and how the hypothesis and the objectives which were proposed in the Chapter I are verified here and final conclusions and suggestions were drafted. newline
Pagination: v, 205p.
Appears in Departments:Department of Gandhian and Peace Studies

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04_acknowledgement.pdf181.02 kBAdobe PDFView/Open
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