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Title: A study of credit and saving status of female headed households as compared to male headed households in rural woredas of central zone of Tigray regional state Ethiopia
Researcher: Gebrehiwet Hailu Tikue
Guide(s): Uma Devi, M.
Keywords: Commerce and Management Studies
Credit and Saving Status-Households-Rural Woredas-Central Zone-Tigray State Ethiopia.
Economics and Business
Female-Headed households-Credit and Saving Status-Rural Woredas-Central Zone-Tigray State Ethiopia.
Male and Female-Headed households -Credit and Saving Status-A comparative Study.
Male Headed Households- Credit and Saving Status-Rural Woredas-Central Zone-Tigray State Ethiopia.
Social Sciences
University: Andhra University
Completed Date: 2017
Abstract: None
Pagination: xix, 418p.
Appears in Departments:Department of Commerce & Management Studies

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01_title.pdfAttached File355.89 kBAdobe PDFView/Open
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