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Title: Domain dependent vertical Scalability for developmental Efforts on E content
Researcher: Jagadhesan B
Guide(s): Srinath V M
Keywords: Learner level Literature
Sharable Content Object
Upload Date: 6-Apr-2015
University: Anna University
Completed Date: 01/08/2014
Abstract: Most of the present day e learning content is developed as a newlinemonolith digital repository which lags the standard data exchange format newlineDue to this limitation literature points out to the development of e learning newlinemodules in forms of small and independent units called Sharable Content newlineObject SCO The instructional approach of SCOs is considered as a non newlinefunctional parameter Personalized digital repositories from a collection of newlinesuch SCOs can be combined and delivered separately for specific learner newlinelevel Literature also indicates that the pedagogical instructional role when newlineembedded in these learning objects SCOs would significantly contribute to newlinethe learning context of specific e learner level But designing and developing newlineindependent SCOs for different learner levels would be costly and unnecessary newlinefor similar or same subject contents At the same time the newlineanticipated changes needed in the respective e contents might be marginal newlineand the presentation styles might also be slightly different from that of a newlinesimple and common base SCO in upgrading SCOs for similar but different newlinelearner levels Therefore determining the possibility of and technique for newlinescaling up of appropriate SCOs from the base SCOs for suitable learner levels newlinewould be a viable research proposal Scalability is the ability of a system to be newlineenlarged to a new system The question To determine whether substantial newlineefforts are needed to develop new SCOs or scale up existing SCOs for newlinevertically upwardly higher levels of learners would be beneficial newline
Pagination: xxv, 267p.
Appears in Departments:Faculty of Science and Humanities

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