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Title: Dynamics of venture creation process a study of Indian startups
Researcher: Kumar, Sushil
Guide(s): Das, Satyasiba; Ali , Salman; Pallathitta, Rejie George
Keywords: Economics and Business
Social Sciences
University: Indian Institute of Management Raipur
Completed Date: 2020
Abstract: ABSTRACT newlineThere has been shift of focus in entrepreneurship research from new venture success to venture creation process. This dissertation seeks to explore venture creation processs, a very important newlineentrepreneurial phenomenon. The entrepreneurship as a discipline has gradually progressed newlineand several new themes and sub-themes have emerged that have drawn attention of newlineresearchers and policy makers. The venture creation process is the primary focus of this newlinedissertation. The venture creation process begins with entrepreneurial intention, business idea and culminates into a first sales of products or services to the customers in the competitive newlinemarketplace. The venture creation process is composed of set of startup events, sequencing newlineand pacing that completes in different phases and stages over time. There exist multiple newlinedyamic factors internal and external to a new venture that decides a venture success or newlineabandonment. Therefore, this dissertation conducts a systematic study of how dynamic newlinefactors- time and temporal aspects, strategic orientation, choice of value offerings and the complex process lead to a venture creation manifested thorugh first sales.In striving for this goal, this dissertation makes the following contributions to knowledge and entrepreneurship research. Firstly, it makes several theoretical and methodological newlinecontributions to the field of entrepreneurial process research. From a theoretical standpoint, the study provides another explanation in contrast to traditional stage models and other newlineadditive, sequential models of venture creation. It examined different attributes (i.e., number, duration and sequences) associated with a process and laid the foundation for building a more integrated process theory. Seocond, it reveals the micro-level patterns of how nascent entrepreneurs identified, prioritized and organized startup activities in venture creation process as they develop their new ventures.
Pagination: xiii, 171p.
Appears in Departments:Library

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