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Title: Design and vlsi implementation of digital image processing applications
Researcher: Rajakumar, G
Guide(s): Manimegalai, D
Keywords: Design
digital image
vlsi implementation
Upload Date: 31-Mar-2015
University: Manonmaniam Sundaranar University
Completed Date: December 2014
Abstract: Applications of digital image processing dip have become common in our day newlineto day life exploitation of digital image processing systems for real time applications newlineindeed requires efficient computing techniques though there are a good number of newlinesoftware based solutions the proposed research mainly focuses on very large scale newlineintegration vlsi chip based implementation of digital image processing applications newlinesince it suits better for real time processing the research proposes vlsi implementation newlinefor interesting applications such as identification of adulteration in food samples in petrol newlineand in oil for public welfare further the same has been extended to industrial application newlinesuch as measuring moisture level displacement in control valve and rotor speed the newlineconcept has been extended in manufacturing industry for quality testing of tiles and rods newline newline
Pagination: xi, 160p.
Appears in Departments:Department of Computer Science & Engg.

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