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Title: A novel approach to reduce overhead for emmdv protocol in manet using backward navigation method
Researcher: Geetha, M
Guide(s): Umarani, R
Keywords: emmdv protocol
navigation method
reduce overhead
Upload Date: 31-Mar-2015
University: Manonmaniam Sundaranar University
Completed Date: March 2014
Abstract: A mobile ad hoc network manet has no fixed networking infrastructure and it newlineconsists of mobile nodes that communicate with each other since nodes are mobile routing in newlinead hoc networks is a challenging task efficient routing protocols can make better performance newlinein such networks many protocols have been proposed for ad hoc networks and the most newlinecommon types are ad hoc on demand distance vector aodv dynamic source routing newlinedsr optimized link state routing olsr aodv is one of the most popular routing newlineprotocols dedicated for ad hoc networks it uses the flooding technique for searching the newlinedestinations newline newline
Pagination: xiii, 118p.
Appears in Departments:Department of Computer Science & Engg.

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